
Parents of Alcoholics

A Toolkit of selected talks that can help parents understand & deal with addiction in a child
Listen Button  1 - June C (Al-Anon) from Bixby, OK - Al-Anon Parenting 101 for parents dealing with active alcohol abuse by their children
Listen Button  2 - Chuck L (Al-Anon) from Superior, WI - A Father's Story
Listen Button  3 - Bo T (Al-Anon) from West Blockton AL - A Dad's Story - A Family Disease
Listen Button  4 - Bev B (Al-Anon) from Lewisville, TX - A Mom's Story - separate the person from the disease
Listen Button  5 - Clancy I (AA) from LA, CA - explains "a disease of perception"
Listen Button  6 - Hannah M (Al-Anon) from Austin, TX - a funny wife & mom of alcoholics who gives hope
Listen Button  7 - Wayne B (AA) from Santa Monica, CA - Helps us live in our own "hula-hoop"
Listen Button  8 - Dave H (aka New York Dave) (AA) from Eureka CA - an alcoholic tells his story
Listen Button  9 - Crickett R (AA) from Fort Worth, TX - her story teaches us "it takes what it takes"
Listen Button  10 - Donna E (AA) from Billings, MT - alcoholic Mom's story.  "My kid's problems may have my name written on them, but the solution to these problems have their names written on them"
Listen Button  11 - June G (AA) from LA, CA - sober at 19 after multiple foster homes & attemps at sobriety
Listen Button  12 - Lee Y (AA) from Tampa, FL - his story